Monday, August 25, 2008


I dont really have much to say today o! But em i'll try

Anyway i heard of this new rapper, she's a girl just like Sasha but this one is called Kel as in Kelechi. She's fine and everything and her rap is okay sha! But personally it took me time to finally accept sasha as a rapper but now i LOVE her, so this Kel Girl(that kinda rhymes) is not goin to have it all so rosy, i have a feeling this is goin to be too rough for her, considering Sasha is already there and she's wowing the crowd!(you rock girl) So my advice to Kel is to keep trying cuz if sasha dropeed out, Today i wont be one of her top 5 fans-okay more like top

And she's not even in school yet, i mean a university
Her reason- she has been trying Jamb over and over again
Nawa o!

If to say she was im my own house, she for see the other side of life, her parents are nice o!
Person fail Jamb more than once and you still give her money to record song, more grease to your elbows o!

But mehn the girl is lucky, she got her fist record deal atthe age of 17 with Testify Records and today she's 22 i dont mean today is her birthday, her new record agency is Capital Hill records

But she has contavts sha, Terry the Rapman is a good friend of hers so he introduced her to Clarence Peters, the guy who did KC Presh's video Sengemenge, he was looking for a female MC for his new label- soooo that was it

I'm sure you guys are wishing you were that lucky

Well one of the reasons i like her is that she doesnt act like a man, u know who i'm talking about .......ha.....ha Weird MC of course, she's very feminine and to me thats cool

The funniest thing 'bout "Shola" is that she know has boobs, so whats all the tough manly attitude for, pls that stuff is whack!!!

I still love all her songs, but the guy stuff - It's not working for me(Nana Idols)

And tomorrow i'm gon to show you guys some really hot clothes as in!!!

Youre going to be like WOW!!!

Okay maybe only the girls willl be like WOW, but guys i'm assuring you something tommorow

See y'all tomorrow

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